Wallace G.
Private tutor in Albuquerque, NM
University of Maryland-Baltimore County - Bachelors, Biochemistry , Howard University - Masters, Medicine
I know that by tutoring, I'm not only helping someone learn difficult material, but making a difference by influencing future generations of students. I hope I can work with students of all ages, no matter what their goals or needs are. Science and medicine are my favorite subjects, since I began my tutoring career after completing medical school. I just finished residency for Physical Medicine. I help students who need assistance in the following subjects: Anatomy, Biology, Chemistry, Microbiology, Physics, Science, Anatomy & Physiology, High School Biology, College Biology, Medical Terminology, Medicine, and Medical Ethics. I have many hobbies and interests besides helping others, working in medicine, and teaching. I love getting outdoors and going hiking. Travel is something else I enjoy, and look forward to visiting new places. I also love to fish and be out in nature. My other passions include learning more about human anatomy and studying medicine as it relates to the musculoskeletal medicine discipline.
Weekdays at any time, Weekends at any time
Can Meet
Up to 30 minutes away at my regular hourly rate
Musculoskeletal medicine, fishing, human anatomy, traveling, hiking
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