Brooke B.
Private tutor in Albuquerque, NM
Hillsdale College - Bachelors, Biochemistry & English
I am familiar with many academic subjects and can help with chemistry, literature, mathematics, and more. I would love to help you with science, or maybe becoming a better writer or reader. I have my Bachelor in Biochemistry and Bachelor of English from Hillsdale College. Let me use my experiences both academically and professionally to help you achieve your academic goals. I love adventures and love exploring the world around me. I also really believe that academic subjects are often filled with fascinating facts and concepts that students just haven't discovered. My tutoring method is to give you the tools necessary to take the next step, but not to straight out give you the answers or take the step for you. My students have to be willing to put in the work, but I will also help them along the way. Recently, I finished my first year of teaching at a charter school. I taught sixth grade. The school looks to give willing pupils a rigorous education and so do I. I am looking forward to using my knowledge base as long as my life experiences to connect students with the material they are learning. When I am not tutoring, I can be found exploring, hiking, singing, and listening to music.
Weekdays at any time, Weekends at any time
Can Meet
Up to 30 minutes away at my regular hourly rate
Exploring, hiking, singing, music (general), Christian ministry
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