Emily G.
Private tutor in Albuquerque, NM
Ramapo College of New Jersey - BA, Spanish Language Studies
As a tutor, I am looking to teach English as a Second Language, English to students abroad, and Spanish, which I am certified to teach at the kindergarten through twelfth grade level in New Jersey. Spanish Language Studies, therefore, is something I am prepared to tutor, but I also help with ESL/ELL and AP Spanish Literature and Culture. My interest in working with people has led me to pursue an interest in social work. I love to work with people, including children and youth, and am passionate about the at-risk education programs that give people of lower socioeconomic status more opportunities.I have a degree in Spanish Language Studies from Ramapo College of New Jersey. Presently living in Albuquerque, New Mexico, I enjoy hiking, biking, and swimming when I am not immersing myself in the Spanish language or tutoring those who much need it.
Weekdays at any time, Weekends at any time
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5 miles at my regular hourly rate
hiking, biking, swimming
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